OVERVIEW: The AS-2 KIPPER (K-10SD) is an air-launched, long-range, supersonic, liquid-fuel, turbojet-powered, anti-ship (ASM) missile. It had a 200 or 500 kT nuclear warhead.
DETAILS: The AS-2 was designed primarily as an anti-ship weapon for use against large, high-value targets. It could also be used against large land targets. The AS-2 was typically launched at high altitude. It then accelerated to approximately Mach 1.0 and cruised at about 10,000 meters using inertial navigation with an option of command correction for mid-course flight. At approximately 60 nm from the target, it entered a shallow 15 degree dive, leveling out at approximately 1000 meters altitude and 35 nm from the target. At approximately 10 nm from the target, the missile�s active radar activated, and guided the missile in the terminal phase. In the terminal phase, the AS-2 accelerated to approximately Mach 2 and dived into the target vessel close to or below the waterline.
NOTES: The AS-2 became operational in 1961. It was carried by the Tu-16K-10 (BADGER-C). It had a CEP of 60 meters when used in an anti-ship role and a CEP of 1 to 2 nm when used against land targets.
SOURCES: Jane's Weapons Systems, Vol. 4: Strategic, "Kh-10S (AS-2 'Kipper')" 13 Oct 2011; GlobalSecurity.org - Reliable Security Information. "K-10S (AS-2 Kipper)." Accessed November 11, 2013. http://www.globalsecurity.org/wmd/world/russia/as-2.htm ; Federation of American Scientists. "AS-2 - Russian and Soviet Nuclear Forces." Accessed November 11, 2013. http://www.fas.org/nuke/guide/russia/bomber/as-2.htm ; Norman Polmar, "Guide to the Soviet Navy, 3rd ed. (Annapolis, MD: Naval Institute Press, 1983), 357.