OVERVIEW: The GBU-57A/B MOP (Massive Ordinance Penetrator) is a short-range, GPS guided gravity bomb designed for enhanced penetration against hardened and deeply buried targets.
DETAILS: The GBU-57A/B MOP bomb is designed to penetrate hardened targets such as command and control facilities or WMD sites before exploding. Relying on its heavy weight and kinetic energy, it is reported as being capable of penetrating 40 meters of rock, 61 meters of 5,000 psi (34 MPa) reinforced concrete, 7.9 meters of 10,000 psi (69 MPa) reinforced concrete. The weapon has a reported CEP of 5 meters.
NOTES: The GBU-57A/B may use a Tandem Warhead System, consisting of a shaped-charge precursor warhead combined with a follow- through penetrator explosive charge.
SOURCES: USAF takes delivery of the GBU-57A/B Penetrator - now there's nowhere to hide. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.gizmag.com/massive-ordnance-penetrator-mop-gbu-57ab/20538/ ; MOPping Up: The USA�s 30,000 Pound GBU-57 Bomb. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.defenseindustrydaily.com/mopping-up-the-usas-30000-pound-bomb-03172/