OVERVIEW: The JP.233 LAAAS (Low-Altitude Airfield Attack System) is a submunition delivery system consisting of a dispenser pods carrying several hundred submunitions designed to attack runways.
DETAILS: The JP.233 is designed to carry either runway cratering submunitions or anti-personnel mines. A version carried by the Tornado aircraft carried both types of submunnitions. One disadvantage of the munition is that it required the aircraft to fly straight and level over an enemy airfield at approximately 500 feet altitude. The bomblets are released at preset intervals. Proper retarding and orientation of the bomblets is accomplished by a parachute. The runway cratering bomb uses a shaped charge to blow a small a hole in the runway and inserting an explosive charge to form a difficult-to-repair void under the tarmac. The interspersed anti-personnel bomblets further slow runway repair efforts by making it hazardous for repair crews to enter the area. Although primarily designed for anti-runway use, the JP.233 could also be employed against rail marshalling yards or supply depots.
NOTES: Originally began in 1977 as a joint USAF/UK program. IOC in 1987. Used by the RAF in the Gulf War. Withdrawn from service in 1999.
SOURCES: JP233 - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved November 30, 2014, from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JP233 ; JP-233 runway denial system, SG-357 runway cratering bomb, HB-876 area denial mine. (n.d.). Retrieved from http://www.wk2ammo.com/showthread.php?6448-JP-233-runway-denial-system-SG-357-runway-cratering-bomb-HB-876-area-denial-mine