OVERVIEW: The AN/FPS-89 radar was a fixed, nodding height finding radar operating in the "E" band
DETAILS: The AN/FPS-89 is a modified AN/FPS-6. The AN/FPS-6 was noted for extreme accuracy at long range. The radar consisted of an antenna group, a transmitter group, a receiver group, and an ancillary group. Most fixed sites had a remote group, which allowed the control of the radar from inside the operations center. Also located in operations, was the anti-jam receivers. These receivers were fed with raw video from the tower receiver, and output several types of processed video to enable operators to see through jamming.
Frequency: 2.7-to-2.9 GHz (E Band (NATO), S Band (IEEE))
Power output: 3.6 kW(average); 3.5 MW (peak) 4.5 MW (peak prior to downgrade with FPS-6 magnetron)
PRF: 300-405 Hz
Range Resolution: 300 m (range), unknown degrees azimuth
On/Off time: unknown
Deploy/Stow Time N/A
Max Detection Ranges: 203 km
NOTES: IOC early 1970's.
SOURCES: Wikipedia. "General Electric AN/FPS-6 Radar" Accessed December 2, 2013. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Electric_AN/FPS-6_Radar ; "General ElectricElectric AN/FPS-6 Radar." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Accessed March 22, 2015. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/General_Electric_AN/FPS-6_Radar ; http://fas.org/nuke/guide/usa/airdef/an-fps-6.htm ; http://www.radartutorial.eu/19.kartei/karte802.en.html ; "AN/FPS-89." Radomes, Inc. - The Air Defense Radar Veterans Association. Accessed April 5, 2015. http://www.radomes.org/museum/parsehtml.php?html=fps-89.html&type=equip_html.