OVERVIEW: The P-15 radar (NATO name: FLAT FACE A) is an mobile, 2-D early warning radar operating in the "C" Band.
DETAILS: The FLAT FACE A is a mobile version early warning radar. The P-15 can shift to one of four pre-set frequencies to avoid active interference. Weapon systems associated with the P-15 include the SA-2 GUIDELINE, SA-3 GOA and the SA-60 57mm AAA gun.
Frequency: 810-850/880-905 Mhz (C-Band)
Power output: 900 kW (peak)(some sources report 370-390 kW peak)
PRF: 200-800; 600-880 pps(some sources report 500-680pps)
Range Resolution: 90 m (some sources report 300 m)
Run up time: up to 3.3 minutes
Set up time: 10 minutes
Detection Ranges (Fighter size aircraft)
300 m altitude: 70 km
3000 m altitude: 140 km
10000 m alt.: 210-250 km
NOTES: IOC 1955. The FLAT FACE is frequently associated with the PRV-11 SIDE NET E-band height-finding radar. A variation of the P-15, the P-15M SQUAT EYE radar, has the antenna mounted on a 20-30 m mast for improved low altitude coverage. Because of their low power-aperture ratings this family of radars is not regarded as being very effective against low-observable aircraft and drones.
SOURCES: Jane's Radar and Electronic Warfare Systems, "P-15/P-19 series early-warning radars", 22 October 2004; Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Accessed March 8, 2015. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P-15_radar ; "Radar Basics." Grundlagen Der Radartechnik. Accessed March 8, 2015. http://www.radartutorial.eu/19.kartei/karte908.en.html ; "P-15 FLAT FACE." GlobalSecurity.org - Reliable Security Information. Accessed March 8, 2015. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/russia/flat-face.htm ; http://pvo.guns.ru/rtv/p15.htm ; "Russian / PLA Low Band Surveillance Radar Systems (Counter LowObservable Technology Radars)." Air Power Australia. Accessed March 8, 2015. http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-Rus-Low-Band-Radars.html#mozTocId6430.