OVERVIEW: The 9S18M1 radar (NATO name: SNOW DRIFT) is a 3-D acquisition radar operating in the centimetric Band.
DETAILS: The 9S18M1 SNOW DRIFT is a mobile 3-D radar that uses an electronically steered pencil beam. The system incorporates frequency agility, giving it enhanced resistance to ECM. The SNOW DRIFT generally receives early warning from brigade-level surveillance radars such as the SPOON REST before acquiring the target. The radar can track up to 50 targets at a time, and provide target designation on six targets. Weapon systems associated with the 9S18M1 SNOW DRIFT include the SA-11 GADFLY.
Frequency: centimetric
Power output:
Range Resolution: 150 m
set up/tear down time: 5 min
Detection Ranges
Fighter size aircraft
30 m altitude: 10 km
NOE: 23 km
100 m altitude: 35 km
10000m alt.: 100 km
NOTES: IOC 1982. The system is in service with Belarus, Finland, Russia, Syria and the Ukraine. The 9S18M1-1 increases detection range to 160 km. The Finnish SA-11 name is ItO 96 "BUK-M1".
SOURCES: Jane's Radar and Electronic Warfare Systems, "9S18M1 target acquisition radar", 08 December 2004; "Search and Acquisition Radars (S-Band, X-band)." Air Power Australia. Accessed March 7, 2015. http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-Acquisition-GCI.html#mozTocId931783 ; "9K37M1 BUK-1M / SA-11 GADFLY / SA-N-7 GADFLY." GlobalSecurity.org - Reliable Security Information. Accessed March 7, 2015. http://www.globalsecurity.org/military/world/russia/sa-11.htm ; International Electronic Countermeasures Handbook. Norwood, MA: Horizon House Publications, 2004, pg. 121 ; http://www.gulflink.osd.mil/irfna/irfna_refs/n28en030/airdef.html#sa-11; http://www.armyrecognition.com/russia_russian_missile_system_vehicle_uk/9k37_buk-m1_sa-11_gadfly_technical_data_sheet_specifications_information_description_pictures_photos.html