OVERVIEW: The DOG EAR (9S80) is an 3-D mobile, early warning surveillance and target acquisition radar operating in the F/G Band.
DETAILS: The DOG EAR (9S80) is a pulse Doppler early warning surveillance and target acquisition designed to equip tactical air defense units. Weapon systems associated with the DOG EAR include the SA-13 GOPHER.
Frequency: F/G-Band
Power output:
Range Resolution:
Runup time:
Set up time:
Detection Ranges
25 m altitude: 22 km
500 m altitude: 34 km
Max Acquisition Range: 80 km
NOTES: IOC 1978. The DOG EAR is mounted on tracked transporter. It has been used by many Warsaw Pact nations, as well as Iraq, Jordan, Libya, Angola, Algeria and Afghanistan.
SOURCES: "9K35 Strela 10 Self Propelled Air Defence System / SA-13 /Camohodny air defense systems KBtochmash 9K35 Strela- 10." Air Power Australia. Accessed March 14, 2015. http://www.ausairpower.net/APA-9K35-Strela-10.html. ; "Raketen- Und Waffentechnischer Dienst (RWD) - Aufkl�rungs- Und F�hrungsstelle 9S80 (PPRU-1M) SBORKA." RWD (Raketen- Und Waffentechnischer Dienst). Accessed March 14, 2015. http://www.rwd-mb3.de/technik_g/pages/9s80.htm.; "9K35 Strela-10." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Accessed March 14, 2015. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/9K35_Strela-10.